We provide the most experienced accredited conservation dog and handler teams in the North of Ireland for post-construction carcass surveys, including large and small scale wind farms or single turbine sites.
Our dogs and handlers are LANTRA accredited, ensuring the highest standards within the industry. We aim for 100% efficiency with regular training to guarantee the best for our clients.
All of our dogs are trained on a variety of bat and bird species and differing decomposition levels.
All of our dogs use a passive indication, for example sit and stare without touching the find, this is essential should samples need to be sent for DNA testing.
We can provide data for our clients in a range of formats, including shapefiles and geo-databases allowing direct import into GIS software.
We are fully licensed by NIEA to hold carcasses, and can provide species identification for our clients.
We can provide trained technicians for double blind searcher efficiency trials, (neither the handler or dog will know where the target is located) the ultimate test for our dog teams.
We also offer carcass persistence trials. We can provide everything needed for high definition trail cam footage as part of our reports, which results in fewer site visits and cost savings to our clients.
Dog teams have been proven to be more effective and accurate than human searchers when searching for carcasses around wind turbines. In a recent study human searchers found around 20% of small carcasses while dogs found around 80% (Dominguez del Valle, et al. 2020), and their search performance was not affected by vegetation complexity unlike the human searchers.
Expert dog and handler teams can survey a site more efficiently and quicker, therefore allowing more turbines to be accurately searched in a day, compared to human searches.
The ability to search multiple turbines in one day to a high standard makes dog teams extremely cost effective.
During the 2021 survey season all dogs used by CDDNI hit 100% efficiency in all trials.
If you would like to see our team in action or find out more, please contact us for a free demonstration.